Request for Applications

Administrative Partner Subawards for IAMP Producer Enrollment and Engagement

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The University of Idaho (U of I) invites applications from organizations interested in supporting Idaho farmers and ranchers to adopt climate-smart, regenerative agricultural practices through the Innovative Agricultural and Marketing Partnership for Idaho (IAMP). Funded by a $59 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA, Award NR233A750004G038), IAMP currently works with four Implementing Partners: The Nature Conservancy in Idaho, the Nez Perce Tribe, the Coeur d'Alene Tribe, and Desert Mountain Grass-Fed Beef. To strengthen and expand these efforts, IAMP seeks additional organizations, referred to as “Administrative Partners,” to collaborate in recruiting producers of potatoes, wheat, sugar beets, chickpeas, hops, barley, or beef across Idaho. Administrative Partners will assist producers in applying for incentive-based contracts to implement climate-smart practices and will support them in successfully fulfilling their contractual obligations. Funding for Administrative Partners will be provided through subawards issued by the U of I under the primary USDA award.

Organizations interested in recruiting producers to apply for and implement IAMP contracts are encouraged to apply. Eligible applicants include government organizations (e.g., soil and water conservation districts), not-for-profit non-governmental organizations, and for-profit organizations.

A total of $2,266,800 is available through approximately 22 subawards, ranging from $34,200 to $245,400 over three years.

Submissions accepted until all available funds are committed or until April 30, 2025, whichever occurs first.